"The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." Frederick Buechner

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Wanderings of a Nomadic Christian

All my life I have felt more like an Elijah or a Paul than I have an Isaiah or a King Uzziah. 

The difference? Isaiah was prophet over Israel for more than twenty years; Uzziah was one of the few good kings of Judah that did what was right in the Lord's sight- his reign lasted over 50 years. Paul, obviously, was one of the most influential missionaries of all time, with missionary journeys stretching throughout the Mediterranean region; Elijah had a tumultuous ministry to Israel that was continually in motion- God moved him from place to place and never allowed him to grow too comfortable (Detailed in 1 Kings 17- 2 Kings 2).

Feeling like a nomadic Christian has always come with a certain level of shame or guilt- this awkward feeling that I am somehow harming my wife and kids by never having been allowed to stay in one place for too long or to put down roots. (God has called me from a Baptist missionary organization in Mexico when I was 19 to a Christian church in TN when I was 20, to being out of active ministry, to being a youth leader at a small Christian church in KS, to working as a youth leader at a small Church of God, to working with at-risk kids in a situation where I couldn't tell them about Jesus but I could show them, to being at a Baptist children's home in our 30's, to serving as a youth leader in a Nazarene Church, to now being an Associate Pastor here in AR, with myriads of smaller roles of mentoring, coaching and teaching mixed in between.)

So many in our culture might look at that list and say: failure- he's never lasted in one place longer than 4 years. And that's the message that I've received, even from so many in the church: that you're not a success unless you stay in one place for X number of years, especially once you have children.

But in my tenure here at SpringCreek Fellowship, I have begun to understand a different lesson: if God calls you to be a nomadic Christian, not only will He equip you for the work you are to do, He will prepare and equip those within your clan to go do the work, as well

God will protect my children and bring them the friends and fellowship that they need to feel connected, even if it means only staying in one location for a couple years at a time. 

God may call you to one place for a specific purpose. That purpose may be to put down roots and stay there long term, but it may be that God's purpose will change and will lead you down the road to the next thing He has for you to do. 

Our job is to be obedient to God's call and direction, not to someone else's expectations or to the cultural norms that dictate what a person's life should look like.  

God may be calling you to be a nomadic Christian. Following that call is more important that staying in one place and putting down roots. In the long run, if being a nomadic Christian is what God has called you to do, then doing something else because it's what others feel like you should do will only cause damage to you and your clan.  

Follow God's call, not the messages and expectations of those around you. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

But you, Man of God

The Apostle Paul's first letter to Timothy is an admonish and an encouragement to the young man. Timothy was beginning his ministry as a young man and there were those within the fledgling church and among the Jewish believers who were uncomfortable with the thought of a younger man holding a position of authority. 

It's an issue that is still facing the church today- a question of maturity, for sure (Is this person mature enough to lead and appropriately handle authority?), but also one of calling, which I think is often overlooked and ignored by the church. If a person is called by God to do His work then who are we to question it? Rather, the church needs to equip such men and give them opportunities to lead.

This is the question before Paul as he writes this letter to Timothy. Paul's response is two-fold: Don't let anyone look down or despise you because of your youth; rather, be the example of what Godly leadership is supposed to look like for the church for the church. 

And do what God has called you do, regardless of what anyone else thinks, and preach and teach the message God has given you! The first part of Paul's message to Timothy relates to how the young man should conduct himself within the church and in his own relationship with Jesus.

This is an admonishment that many of us need to consider and follow today!

Set an example for the Body of believers:
-In your speech- (in what you say and in how you say it)
-In your conduct- (in how you behave and in how you treat others)
-In love- (in both your interpersonal relationships with others and in the way you pour yourself out to show Christ's love to others)
-In faith- (in showing the evidence of your faith through how you live it out and in sharing it with others)
-In purity 

Practice these things and be committed to them! Pay close attention to your life and the things that you teach!

Do not neglect the practice and use of your gifts (both spiritual and innate.)

Devote yourself to public Scripture reading, to encouraging & correcting the other believers, and to teaching God's Word!

Paul then breaks down for Timothy what it looks like to be a Man of God - "But you, man of God:"

Flee from (Turn away from, avoid at all costs) these things: 
-The temptations of riches
-The love of/ craving for money
-False teachings
-Frivolous disputes & arguments
-Irreverent, empty speech
-False knowledge

And instead, pursue these things:  
-Godly contentment

Paul continues: 

Man of God, fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of (grab and don't let go) eternal life. Do what is good. Be rich in good works. Be generous & willing to share what God has given you

Man of God, guard what has been entrusted to you! Keep your command (the post you have been placed in authority over) without fault or failure

-Fathers, are we being men of God? Are we teaching our sons to be? 

When I stand before God for an account of my life, will I be able to say that I kept my command well? That I have guarded and kept safe that which has has been entrusted to me?  

The Book of Proverbs presents fathers with this image: that our children, especially sons, are arrows within our quiver. That image is a pretty complex one. 

Well-crafted arrows are a valuable commodity, one that an archer must keep safe. On top of that, there is a great deal of practice and equipping that must be done in order to fire an arrow well and trust that it is going to strike its target truly. 

Fathers, are we accomplishing this task? Are we guarding the arrows that we will eventually fire into the world? 

Maybe even more importantly, are you equipping yourself to be able to fire those arrows well so that they will strike true? 

Most importantly, are you equipping/ training/ teaching your children so that when they are released from your quiver, they will be ready for the world? That they will be able to strike true at the target that God has set before them? That they will make a positive impact on the world when that strike happens? 

If not, then I pray that you will begin to practice and shape yourself for the work that God has placed before you: readying well-equipped, sharp children for the work that God had in place for them to do. 

We will each be held to account for the way we ready these arrows for their journey. We will be held to account for the type of release we accomplish- will it be a misfire or will it be a well-aimed, well-guided shot that truly finds its mark? 

Ready yourself, man of God! 

Monday, February 18, 2019

A Good Push

Hebrews 10:24 - "Let's focus on how we can push one another toward love and good deeds."

Sometimes we become complacent. Sometimes we go full steam toward things that are outside of God's plan for us. Sometimes we freeze, are scared, and can't or won't move at all. 

Sometimes what we need is a good push. A push to move us back away from the calamity that we are running toward; a push to shake us out of our complacency and help us refocus; or a good, swift kick in the pants to get us moving toward the good plans that God has for us.

As members of this Body of Christ, we have a responsibility to each other and to the Body as a whole to be available to push when a good push is needed. 

Are we holding each other accountable? Not just making sure that we are staying away from the negative things that plague each of us - though this kind of brotherhood accountability is vital to Kingdom growth - but holding each other accountable to keep moving forward? Are we looking for ways to push one another toward love and toward fulfilling the good deeds that God has for us to accomplish?

I firmly believe that when we are at Christ's seat of Judgment we will be held to an account not only for the good and bad things that we did, but also for the opportunities we missed to do what God had for us to do - AND also for the opportunities that we missed to push those within our sphere of influence toward doing what God had for them to do.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Be Prepared

(This is a note that I found that I wrote to myself back in 2006, but my goodness it is relevant today.)

It is time for you to stand ready!

If you haven't done so already, unsheathe your sword and stand firm! Neither attacking or defending for the moment, but stand secure with an air of readiness. Ready to parry any attack and ready to go on the offensive at any moment.

BE PREPARED! Ready your mind!

Stand strong, armor on and sword drawn, ready for action!

"Declare this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the men advance and attack. Beat your plows into swords and your pruning knives into spears. Let even the weakling say 'I am a warrior.' Come quickly, all you nations: gather yourselves. Bring down your warriors, Lord! Rouse the nations!"  (Joel 3:9-12)

Are you roused?? You are being called out!