"The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." Frederick Buechner

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Poem: The Edge

Blindly I run to the edge,
Striving to find you 
Even when life is dark and unclear. 
I stand here on the edge,
Raising my eyes to find you.
I search for your grace.  

I draw toward the edge,
As you gently reach down 
And urge me to submit to your plan. 
I stand on the edge, searching for life.
Your Spirit covers me and peace fills my shaken soul.
Can I trust You enough to leap? 

I stand in darkness on the edge,
But your light seeks to find me. 
By your grace, I jump unseen
From the edge that has bound me here.
Your life warms my frozen faith,
My life renewed as I fall into Your will.

In Response to God's Calling

God always prepares us for whatever He is about to call us to do. On top of that, Scripture is full of our Christian forefathers giving us divinely-inspired direction for what it looks like to observe and understand, prepare for and respond to God's calling. 

Our responsibility lies in what we do with God's call when we receive it. It doesn't necessarily have to be a huge decision or undertaking; it could be as simple as deciding to make small decisions as a reflection of God's character and love rather than my own fleshly desires. 

Responding to God's call doesn't necessarily refer to making a positive, proactive decision, either. There will be times where God's call is contrary to what I hope He is going to direct me to do- responding to His call might mean staying put when I want to move on or to wait when I am ready to make a move. 

Will I be obedient to His call? In the end, God doesn't need me- He can accomplish whatever plan or design He has with anyone- but He allows me the opportunity to respond to His call and to be a tool in the work of His design, because He loves me and wants to make me feel useful.

In Ezekiel 36, God tells Ezekiel "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you... I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my commands."

Those He calls, He prepares. He gives us direction for how to ready to respond to His call. From 1 Peter:
 -Prepare your mind for action; be clear-minded and self-controlled. 
-Set you hope fully on the grace to be given you in Jesus. 
-Love one another deeply.
-Do not conform to evil desires; rid yourself of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander.
-Submit yourself to God's authority.
-Live as free men; Live as a servant of God; Live in harmony with one another.
-Love the brotherhood deeply; fear God; honor the King. 
-Use whatever gifts you've received to serve others and administer God's grace:
          -If you speak, speak as one speaking the very words of God; If you serve, do so with the strength God provides; If you suffer, rejoice that you suffer as a follower of Jesus.

-Be shepherds of God's flock that He puts under your care.

 If God is preparing you by teaching you these things or allowing you to learn them through your circumstances, be aware that He likely has a call of some kind waiting for you down the line.

Actionable questions for each of us each day:

Am I living in a way to be found worthy of God's calling for my life?  

Am I striving every day to use the gifts He's given me to fulfill His calling?

Am I ready to respond if God were to call me today? Would I go? Would I serve? Would I leave my comfort zone to pick up my cross and follow Him? 

Romans 11:29 "God's gift and His call are irrevocable."

(Note: you might refuse to listen or refuse to follow, but once God has called you, that call will never leave you.)

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Crowd of Witnesses

"Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God."                                (Hebrews 12:1-2)

I was considering this verse this morning and the implications of what it means to be surrounded by this crowd (I like crowd better than cloud) of witnesses. 12:1-2 comes right on heels of the "faith" chapter, where the Patriarchs of the faith are listed along with some of the highlights of their faith. 

It's a powerful image that is followed up by an instruction to finish out the race of our own faith, one that presents this idea that these men of faith will be there at the finish line of our race, encouraging us to cross the line well.

But it also brings a stark reminder for me that I do not come from a legacy of faith - and that I want to live with a purposefulness to make sure that my kids, grandkids and on down the line will see my face as they cross the finish line.

A dear mentor of mine, Pop, has set a legacy of faith and discipleship that now stretched some four generations and I can't see it stopping in the near future. And as excited as he gets about his crew now, I can just imagine him standing beside Jesus, Abraham and the Apostle Paul, beaming from ear to ear, when his descendants begin to finish their races. 

To be sure, my crowd of witnesses will be smaller than some. Aside from my mom, I'm not sure that any of my grandparents can be considered a witness of faith. I hope to see them there, but it is not something I can be sure of. 

It is a powerful reminder for me every day that what I do, how I parent, how I influence the world around me, will be a determining factor in whose finish lines I will get to be a part of the crowd at.

Is that something you've considered? It's another reminder to be purposeful in how you spend each day.